
Casole d'Elsa - Antica Fonte Resort

Casole d'Elsa

Distance from Antica Fonte Resort: 2 km

The characteristic Medieval Village of Casole d'Elsa stands on a hill in a panoramic position on the valley of the river Elsa. Disputed between Volterra and Siena since 1200, the hamlet was later involved in the war between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. After the famous Battle ofMontaperti, Casole d’Elsa was annexed to the dominions of Siena.

Casole still preserves part of the medieval walls like the Town Walls and the Rocca Senese, which is now the seat of the town council.

One of the most important monuments is the XII century Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta church, which preserves works of art of the Sienaschool.

Numerous frescoes and archaeological findings of the necropoles of the area, witness to the Etruscan presence at Casole, are kept in theArchaeological and “della Collegiata” Museum (Museo Archeologico e della Collegiata).

The Palazzo Pretorio in Via Casolani is certainly one of the major attractions of Casole d’Elsa.

The Rocca Senese, now the seat of the town council, has two towers with Guelphic battlements. Worth noting is the black-white Siena coat of arms. The rocca is also the entrance to the village: visitors go up the stairs that lead to the belvedere and gardens up to the lift that takes them directly to the square facing the rocca.

Casole d’Elsa is now an agricultural and tourist town, mainly based on vineyards and olive groves.

The woods around Casole, the Berignone Forest and the Montagnola Senese woods, are considered of high environmental importance.

The history of this Medieval Village is recalled every year with the Palio di Casole, a horse race that takes place every year on the second Sunday of July.

Other Events at Casole d’Elsa and Neighbourhood:

  • Living Nativity Scene
  • Historical Procession: This takes place on the Friday before Easter at 21.30.
  • Fiera dell'Alberaia (Village Fair) – This takes place in the last week in August at Località Molino d'Elsa, a Hamlet of Pievescola. Exhibition of agricultural tools and livestock. You can savour the many varieties of cinta senese salami and cold pork meats, different types of cheeseshoney and excellent wines.
  • The sagra del Fungo (Mushroom fair) – This is held at Pievescola, a hamlet of Casole d'Elsa, on the 2nd and 3rd week of September. Dishes and delicacies based on Porcini mushrooms of Montagnola Senese.
  • Festa della Vendemmia (Grape Harvest Festival) - At Mensano, at the end of September/early October, not-to-be-missed for wine enthusiasts. Enjoyable atmosphere and rediscovery of the culture of wine and the Harvest.
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