
Volterra - Antica Fonte Resort


Distance from Antica Fonte Resort: 30 km

City of art with a suggestive atmosphere, Volterra is world famous and known as the City of Alabaster.

Very important historical exhibits are kept at its 3 Museums: the Etruscan Museum, the Municipal Picture Gallery and the Museum of Sacred Art.

Besides a priceless cultural heritage, Volterra also offers various naturalist routes.

Volterra is truly a jewel of Etruscan, medieval and renaissance art.

The town preserves witnesses of the past almost intact. The City Walls, Porta Diana, the Porta all’Arco and the beautiful old town centre are witnesses of its Etruscan origin.

Volterra also has Roman ruins and Medieval buildings like the marvellous Palazzo dei Priori and the Cathedral.

The famous L’Ombra della Sera, which has no need for introduction, is kept at the Etruscan Museum together with precious archaeological findings and jewels.

The Medicea Fortress and the Roman Theatre make a visit to Volterra unforgettable.

Famous and highly successful are also the numerous Festivals the town organises: VolterraTeatro attracts huge numbers of visitors every year in July. It is a big event, considered one of the best in Italy, which blends ArtTheatrePoetry and Dancing.

In August there is Volterra Jazz, an event that attracts audiences and jazz fans from all over Italy.

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