
Monteriggioni - Antica Fonte Resort


Distance from Antica Fonte Resort: 24 km

Among the most well-known Walled Towns of Italy, Monteriggioni has been famous ever since medieval times, in fact Dante mentions its “Round Circle” in the Divine Comedy (Inferno, Canto XXXI)”.

This fascinating Village with Towers was built in 1200 by the Sienese to control the Via Francigena.

The walls are practically intact and comprise 2 gates and 14 towers.  Part of the walk along the walls can be visited today. Exactly these walks offer the strategic point from which to see the landscape and the surrounding countryside.

The Museum contains reproductions of medieval and renaissance weapons and armours and offers the extraordinary possibility of wearing pieces of armour.  

Monteriggioni gets its charm from the medieval flavour and the almost magical atmosphere of the past in the air of its suggestive Alleys and Streets. A past that can be relived in the Events and Historical Re-enactments that are organised every year and which attract a large attendance.

For years the biggest Event has been “Monteriggioni di Torri si Corona” (Monteriggioni wears a crown of towers), a highly successful Medieval Festival that takes place every year in July.

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